What is an L2 Parallel Subnetwork (L2PS)
In the context of the DEMOS Network specifications, a L2PS is a network of DEMOS peers that work together to form an independent chain of trust by leveraging the DEMOS Network structure.
This means that XChain is a fully autonomous network that exists and works in parallel with the whole network of DEMOS nodes, including other autonomous networks, retaining performance, finality and independence in every aspect of its operation.
While being defined as an L2, XChain does not depend on the DEMOS Network to operate. The only dependency that XChain owes to the broad DEMOS Network, including its own XChain nodes, is in regard to the attestation of the XChain operation by the DEMOS Consensus.
More specifically, while L2 networks are usually seen as separate networks that catch up with an L1, L2PS are instead parallel protocols and channels that are used to provide resources and services in the most efficient way possible.
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